Sunday 24 May 2015


Hello! Miss Ch'ng is going to share some video clips here to help you visualise the abstract concepts and understand them better.

Here is a video explaning the basic concepts of an atom. Please have a look on it to recall your previous study during Form 4 before you enter the first lecture.

After watching the video, I believe that you can imagine how an atom should be.

In Chapter 2, you will learn about atomic structure which started from Bohr's postulate and followed by quantum mechanic. Here is another video showing about the abstract part in this topic.

  • Formation of line spectrum and Bohr's Atomic Model

  • Difference between continuous, emission, and absorption spectra
In Chapter of Periodic Table, you may need to understand the periodicity and give your explanation in your own words. Try to view the following videos to recall about the periodic table and also to learn the explanation for the trend of atomic radii and ionic radii.

  • Song of Periodic Table

  • Introduction to Periodic Table

  • Trend of atomic radius and ionic radius

You may have more video teaching by clicking here.


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